Friday, June 22, 2007


Welcome to the SilverLight Tips and Tricks page.

This blog is designed to contain various Tips and Tricks to help you with your SilverLight development. SilverLight is Microsofts Competing technology to Flash. Macromedia Flash is the current industry standard. We will have to see if Microsoft can pull off an industry shift.

Since there are a lot of changes from Flash to SilverLight, hopefully this will help you with some of the pot-holes found during transition from Flash to SilverLight and for beginners help you learn SilverLight from scratch.

I am hoping to keep this blog specifically related to SilverLight and have created a second blog at specifically for Orcas - the next visual studio development.
However for those using SilverLight you may find this line blurs as the two integrate together so you may see crossover posts on both blogs.

If you know any Tips or Tricks I can add to this blog please email them to me at

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